USDAAnimal Genomics Strategic Planning
Task Force. 2007. Blueprint for USDA Efforts
in Agricultural Animal Genomics 2008–2017.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural
Research Service and Cooperative State
Research, Education, and Extension Service,
Washington, DC.
Following the recommendation of the
National Science and Technology Council’s
Interagency Working Group on Animal
Genomics, a task force was established
in January 2006 to develop a blueprint
for USDA efforts in agricultural animal
genomics. This task force of Agricultural
Research Service (ARS), Cooperative State
Research, Education, and Extension Service
(CSREES), and university scientists and
administrators developed a “Blueprint” for
future research, education, and extension
efforts in agricultural animal genomics,
based on a vast array of stakeholder input.
The Blueprint is designed as a pyramid, with
“Science to Practice” at the top, supported by
fundamental and mission-oriented research in
“Discovery Science,” and is based on a solid
foundation of “Infrastructure.” The Blueprint
will guide activities in this critical area of
science over the coming decade.
Keywords: animal genomics, animal
genomes, food animal, animal production,
animal selection, genome mapping,
bioinformatics, comparative genomics,
functional genomics, genetic selection,
systems biology.
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September 2007