The Animal QTLdb Release
Apr 24, 2019
Release 38
(Apr 24, 2019):
A sum of 3,881 new
QTL have been added to the database. (New additions less obsolete/retracted
ones: Catfish: 0; Cattle: 2,771; Chicken: 197; Horse: 7; Pig:
325; Sheep: 581; Rainbow trout: 0 -- Net increase: 3,881).
The current total number of QTL in the database: 168,143
[Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 122,893; Chicken: 11,141; Horse: 2,030; Pig: 29,045; Sheep:
2,906; Rainbow trout: 128] Database developments: (1) Extensive improvements of curator tools were made for better streamed workflows and more intuitive environments to follow curation steps. The development efforts were focused at reducing the chances for a curator to manually enter some critical info where automatic carry-over can be implemented. At-the-site user instructions were developed/revised to offer better helps to curators. (2) Continued debug of curator/editor tools that also helped with improved data-debugs (improvement of data quality control processes). (3) Continued development of QTL/association data enrichment tools in terms of allowing user defind genome (chromosomal) regions and selection of multiple traits for evaluations. The tool is still at developmental stage but an alpha-test version is available on the "Search and Analysis Tools" page for user inputs.
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