Introduction to ASReml

ASReml is a special purpose statistical package designed specifically for fitting linear mixed models. It has a flexible working environment where you can analyse your data via a user-friendly Windows-based interface and a powerful command language.

ASReml features uniquely efficient and fast algorithms to provide rapid turnround of analyses and also supports large and extremely large data sets (of 100,000 or more observations/effects). Additional features include spatial analysis with a wide range of variance models, direct fitting of cubic smoothing splines, multi-environment trials, prediction, modelling of longitudinal data.

ASReml has been successfully applied in a variety of fields:

What's new

Find out what's new in Release 3 of ASReml.

ASReml Web site

Visit the ASReml website at to find out about additional products, services and assistance.

Learning about ASReml

Learn more about ASReml by clicking on one of the following topics: