Command Line Options

The option letters, equivalent qualifiers and purpose are

Main options

Option Qualifier time Purpose
C !CONTINUE use any parameter estimates from a previous run as starting values
F !FINAL use any parameter estimates from a previous run as starting values and do one iteration only
Gg !GRAPHICS g Defines form of hardcopy graphics: 1=HPGL, 2=PS, 11=WMF, 12=HPGL2, 22=EPS
Hg !HARDCOPY g Suppresses graphics from appearing on the screen but still writes them to file: 1=HPGL, 2=PS, 11=WMF, 12=HPGL2, 22=EPS
Rr !RENAME [r] modify the output file names to include the first r arguments and rerun the job (if !ONERUN is omitted) cycling through any additional arguments
Wm !WORKSPACE m requests workspace of m Mbytes e.g. W1000

Other options

Option Qualifier time Purpose
A !ASK supply options string interactively
B1 !BRIEF 1 reduce volume of output written to .asr file
B2 !BRIEF 2 reduce volume of output written to .asr file and redirect predicted values to .asr file
D !DEBUG write computational detail to screen or .asl file
E !DEBUG 2 write even more computational detail to the screen or .asl file
I !INTERACTIVE allows graphics to be formed when !LOGFILE is active
L !LOGFILE redirects most screen output to the .asl file; suppresses graphics unless !INTERACTIVE is also set
N !NOGRAPHS suppresses formation of graphics
O !ONERUN limits job to performing 1 analysis when the !RENAME qualifier might otherwise attempt multiple analyses
P none filename refers to a .pin file: calculate functions of variance components
Q !QUIET suppresses all requests for a user response
Ss none Specify workspace requirements 3=64Mb, 4=128Mb, 5=256Mb, 6=512Mb, 7=1024Mb, 8=2048Mb
Yy !YVAR y requests analysis of the response variable numbered y
Z none reports license details.


ASReml -LW64 increases workspace to 64 Mbyte, sends screen output to rat.asl and suppress interactive graphics.

ASReml -IL sends screen output to rat.asl but displays interactive graphics

ASReml -N allows screen output but suppresses interactive graphics

ASReml -ILW512 increases workspace to 512 Mbyte, send screen output to rat.asl but displays interactive graphics.

asreml -rs3 coop wwt ywt runs twice writing results to and using 64Mb workspace and substituting wwt and ywt for $1 in the two runs.

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