-180lt thetai | lt 180).
The angle can be calculated as thetai =
choosing (0lt thetai | lt 180) since there is radial
symmetry (the numbers are the same for ij
and ji).
The variogram presented averages the vi within
12 distance classes and 4, 6 or 8
sectors (selected using a
!VGSECTORS qualifier)
centred on an angle of (i-1)*180/s (i=1,...s).
A figure is produced which
reports the trends in average(vi) with increasing distance for each sector.
ASReml also
computes the variogram from predictors of random effects which appear to have a
variance structures defined in terms of distance.
The variogram details are reported in the .res file.
modifies the appearance of the variogram calculated from
the residuals obtained from a two dimensional field trial.
The default form is based on absolute 'distance' in each direction.
This form distinguishes same sign and different sign distances
and plots the variances separately as two layers in the same figure.
requests that the variogram formed from the BLUPs
predicted for a
term be based on s (=4, 6 or 8)
sectors of size 180/s. The appropriate sectors are
centred on the X and Y directions. The details are written
to the
file as well as creating a figure.
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