EPIgroup mail archive
From hkhatibwisc.edu  Thu Feb 28 21:44:04 2013
From: Hasan Khatib <hkhatibwisc.edu>
Postmaster: processed by the Listmaster
To: Multiple Recipients of <epigroupanimalgenome.org>
Subject: Animal Epigenetics Special Issue
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 21:44:04 -0600

Dear colleagues,

Thank you for joining the EPIgroup. Please feel free to share your EPI 
ideas with the group in the different topics of Animal Epigenetics.
Recently, we received funding from USDA that allows publishing a Special 
Issue focused on Epigenetics. The editors of Animal Genetics have kindly 
agreed to host this special issue in the journal. Thus, you are invited 
to submit a manuscript related to animal epigenetics research to be 
published in the special issue. If you are interested:

1. Please submit a proposal/outline of your manuscript by March 15

2. You will be notified if the proposal is accepted within 2 weeks.

3. Deadline of manuscript submission is July 31, 2013

4. Costs of publication will be covered by the USDA grant.

Best wishes,

Hasan Khatib

Hasan Khatib (PhD)
Associate Professor
Department of Animal Sciences- Genetics
University of Wisconsin
1675 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706	
Tel. 608-263 3484
Fax: 608-262 5157



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