Tries to optimize the maximum multipoint loglikelihood using a
dedicated genetic algorithm.
The CarthaGene algogen command is invoked as either one of :
- lelacommande Options
- lelacommande NbGen NbMap SelType ProbaCross ProbaMut EvolFitn
The genetic algorithm tries to optimize the
loglikelihood of orders using a simulation of mating, mutation and
selection by fitness. The initial population is defined by the best
maps stored in the heap or from generated maps.
As the algorithm runs, ``+'' are printed on a generation such that a
map is found that improves over the best map known.
- Options : -u to obtain the synopsys of the normal
use, -h to print a one line description, -H to
print a short help.
- The Nbgen argument correspond to the number of
generations simulated.
- The NbMap argument correspond to the size of the
population. If NbMap is set to 0, the command uses the heap
to initialize the first generation population.
- The SelType argument
specifies the type of selection used (0 for the roulette wheel, 1 for
the stochastic remainder without replacement).
- The ProbaCross argument correspond to the probability
of crossing-over. A typical value is 60 %.
- The ProbaMut argument correspond to the probability of
mutation. A typical value is 5 to 10 %.
- The EvolFitn is a flag to set the
evolutive fitness (0 or 1) which mean that selection becomes harder
and harder with generations.
nothing, all maps explored are candidate for
being stored in the heap.
# we load a dataset
CG> dsload Data/
{1 haploid RH 53 118 /homes/thomas/carthagene/test/Data/}
# perform linkage group detection (output omitted)
CG> group 0.3 3
# we select the group 10
CG> mrkselset [groupget 10]
# put one (stupid) map in the heap using the 'sem' command
CG> sem
Map -1 : log10-likelihood = -161.87
Set : Marker List ...
1 : G5 G18 G17 G14 G16 G13 G12 G6 G7
# launch the 'algogen' command
CG> algogen 10 8 1 0.6 0.1 1
# check the reliability of the result with a large flip
CG> flips 9 0 0
Single Flip(window size : 9, threshold : 0.00).
Map -1 : log10-likelihood = -141.81
Set : Marker List ...
1 : G7 G12 G13 G16 G6 G5 G17 G18 G14
2 2 2 3 2 1 3 3 2 log10
1 6 7 0 0 9 1 2 8 -141.81
[8 7 6 5 - 3 2 1 0] 0.00
# the map was optimal
Thomas Schiex