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From listmasteranimalgenome.org  Tlistmaster Oct  3 13:57:07 2024
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From: "Thompson, Neil - REE-ARS" <Neil.Thompsonusda.gov>
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To: Members of AnGenMap <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Subject: Call for Abstracts - PAG 32 - Aquaculture Workshop
Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2024 13:57:08 -0500
Hello colleagues,

Attached is a call for oral abstracts for the Aquaculture workshop at Plant
and Animal Genome (https://www.intlpag.org/2025/) in San Diego CA, Jan 10-15,
2025. The workshop will occur Saturday January 11th 2025. Please submit
abstracts to neil.thompsonusda.gov with "PAG 32 Aquaculture abstract
submission" as the email title by 25 October 2024. This will allow for
abstract selection and conference registration to occur before the
early-registration deadline which saves all of us some extra paperwork to get
the discounted registration rate.

While the official species group model of NRSP8 has been disbanded we will
continue to have an all-day workshop (8:30am-5pm) and business meeting
(5:00-5:30) that mirrors past years.

We look forward to seeing you in San Diego in January and let me know if you
have questions!  Please disburse this advertisement widely across your
networks as well.

Neil Thompson
Neil Thompson, Ph.D.
Pacific Shellfish Research Unit
USDA Agricultural Research Service
Hatfield Marine Science Center
Newport, OR 97365
Cell: 458-272-5252

PAG 32 Call for Papers (Oral)

Aquaculture workshop – PAG 32 Call for Papers (Oral). The Aquaculture
Genomics group formerly funded by NRSP-8 is hosting the Aquaculture Workshop
on Saturday January 11, 2025. The session is expected to run from 8:15am –
5:00pm with a business meeting occurring immediately afterwards from 5:00-
5:30pm. This workshop is in addition and complementary to the Aquaculture
Genomic Session at the Triennial Aquaculture 2025 meeting.

Talk titles for oral presentations at the PAG Aquaculture Workshop are due to
the Coordinator (neil.thompsonusda.gov) by October 25, 2024. Use ‘PAG 32
Aquaculture abstract submission’ as the email title when submitting to the
coordinator. If more talks are submitted than can be accommodated during the
session then presentations will be chosen by the Aquaculture and Workshop
Coordinators. All oral abstracts for the Aquaculture Workshop must be
submitted directly to the Workshop Coordinator, Dr. Neil Thompson

After being selected for an oral presentation you will be sent an automated
email (early November) with instructions how to login and post your
individual abstract from ‘Confex.com’. Abstract submission is due no later
than 8 December 2024. Please complete abstract submission in November to
avoid headaches later on. All speakers must register for the conference and
you must be registered in order to officially submit your abstract to PAG.

Registration details from PAG: Prior to the October 31 early registration
deadline, the registration rates for workshop speakers are the same as
attendees. However, workshop speakers are protected from paying the increased
registration rates starting November 1. If they are registering late, they
will need to request a discount code to avoid paying the increased rates.
They can request a code by sending an email to: pagscherago.com. They MUST
include the name of the workshop and the name of the organizer who invited
them. They must also be listed in your workshop as a speaker in Confex. The
deadline for workshop abstract submissions is December 8, 2024.

If you wish to present a poster at the conference wide poster session you may
submit directly to PAG anytime (https://pag.confex.com/pag/32/cfp.cgi) . The
deadline for poster abstract submissions is November 3, 2024.
We look forward to seeing you in San Diego in January!



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